
Peloton 推出具備增強的安全性、行動性和速度的平台 v2,為全球能源企業提供業務解決方案

Peloton 推出具備增強的安全性、行動性和速度的平台 v2,為全球能源企業提供業務解決方案

艾伯塔省卡爾加里2024年5月23日 /美通社/ — 全球能源資料管理標杆 Peloton Computer Enterprises Ltd. 很自豪地宣佈推出平台 v2。該 Peloton 平台為傳統的孤島式營運提供一致的體驗,提供包括油井資料生命週期、生產資料生命週期和土地資料管理的解決方案。該平台旨在透過提高效率來消除不同的流程和資料冗餘,從而管理客戶的資產。Peloton 平台可最大限度地提高安全性、利用行動性、加速資料輸入,並讓能源客戶可基於資料即時做出決策。要了解如何立即獲得全部資訊,請瀏覽
Integrations of well, scheduling, completions, production, land, integrity and reliability to minimize duplication of effort and create your single source of truth. The Peloton Platform maximizes your data efficiency ensuring a cohesive experience for your entire organization. GET IT ALL, GET CONNECTED.


Lagging systems letting you down? Experience unprecedented speed on the Peloton Platform, even with remote connectivity. Streamlined loading, auditing and workflow processes, plus Intuitive Interfaces make data Ingestion quicker and more efficient than ever before. From land to asset Integrity, GET IT ALL, GET FASTER, and get It today!
Lagging systems letting you down? Experience unprecedented speed on the Peloton Platform, even with remote connectivity. Streamlined loading, auditing and workflow processes, plus Intuitive Interfaces make data Ingestion quicker and more efficient than ever before. From land to asset Integrity, GET IT ALL, GET FASTER, and get It today!


Master mobility in your energy data management. Access, update and report operations data on the go, empowering your team all to collaborate with data driven, informed decisions anytime, anywhere. The Peloton Platform brings flexibility to your fingertips. From land acquisition to asset rellability, GET IT ALL and GET MOVING on the Peloton Platform.
Master mobility in your energy data management. Access, update and report operations data on the go, empowering your team all to collaborate with data driven, informed decisions anytime, anywhere. The Peloton Platform brings flexibility to your fingertips. From land acquisition to asset rellability, GET IT ALL and GET MOVING on the Peloton Platform.


Fortify your operations with first class security. Backed by a 24/7 security team, the Peloton Platform prioritizes your all protection, ensuring secure, reliable, and resilient data management. So you can sleep easy and securely. From land to asset reliability, on the Peloton Platform you can GET IT ALL, GET SECURE and get it today.
Fortify your operations with first class security. Backed by a 24/7 security team, the Peloton Platform prioritizes your all protection, ensuring secure, reliable, and resilient data management. So you can sleep easy and securely. From land to asset reliability, on the Peloton Platform you can GET IT ALL, GET SECURE and get it today.